Hello, my name is Mrs Hartt.
I lead the pastoral team at Highbury Primary School and I am one of the Safeguarding team.
I support families and children at school in many ways. I oversee our nurture groups for both key stage one and key stage two.
I Support children on a one to one basis and in small groups with specific needs such as the loss of a loved one, anxiety and worries, self-esteem, and confidence building, understanding our emotions, restorative practice and anything else.
Mrs Hartt
In addition, I work with families and children together; this could be supporting behaviour at home, helping with bedtime or morning routines and monitoring and supporting attendance.
You will find me at the front of the school every morning on the Key stage one door.
We look forward to welcoming you in September.
Why not try these 7 tips for helping children keep calm from BBC Bitesize.
For further support and advice please follow the link from the Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership: https://www.portsmouthscp.org.uk