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Just as many people dress appropriately for their work so we would like children to dress correctly for school and feel that school uniform should be worn. This gives the children a sense of belonging to a community. The school colours for trousers, shorts, pinafore dresses and skirts are grey with red as the main colour for cardigans and jumpers. School uniform can be bought from School Trends at

Book bags and PE bags can be ordered on our online payment Scopay system and collected from the school office.


  • Red jumper or cardigan with the logo
  • White polo shirt with or without the logo
  • Grey trousers, grey school skirt, grey pinafore, grey school shorts or grey trousers
  • Summer dress - Red and White
  • White ankle socks /grey tights/ grey or black socks
  • Black school shoes (not trainers, sandals or ballet pumps)
  • Book bag


PE kit

  • Red polo shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Trainers
  • PE bag