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  • Valued as Individuals,

  • Inspired and Nurtured as Learners

  • Valued as Individuals, Inspired and Nurtured as Learners

  • Curriculum Subject Information

    The school curriculum in England.

    Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

    1. The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils. The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum.
    2. All state schools are also required to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and must teach religious education to pupils at every key stage and sex and relationship education to pupils in secondary education.
    3. Maintained schools in England are legally required to follow the statutory national curriculum which sets out in programmes of study, on the basis of key stages, subject content for those subjects that should be taught to all pupils. All schools must publish their school curriculum by subject and academic year online.
    4. All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice. Schools are also free to include other subjects or topics of their choice in planning and designing their own programme of education.

    For more information about the National Curriculum please CLICK HERE

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    We are currently using the approved statutory SSP - Little Wandle to support our phonics teaching.

    EYFS Curriculum Statement