Hello, my name is Mrs Knight
I have the responsibility of co-ordinating the provision made for individual children with: Special Educational Needs, Social and Emotional Needs and English as an Additional Language.
I also work as part of the Senior Leadership Team. This means that I work closely with all staff in school, parents, outside agencies and colleagues throughout the city and across the schools in the University of Chichester Academy Trust.
Support is available through:
- Giving advice on issues related to Special Educational Needs, Social and Emotional difficulties and pupils with English as an additional language
- Meeting with parents to discuss any concerns they may have about their child’s development or learning difficulties
- Assessments of individual pupils to identify need
- Referrals may be made to a range of other professionals such as: Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist and Specialist Teacher Advisors in the City
- Work with our high-quality pastoral team including our pupil and family support lead – Mrs Hartt and our ELSA – Miss Hewitt.
- Our Pastoral Support Team are here to support the children in overcoming any difficulties that are getting in the way of their learning. The support each child gets will depend on their individual needs.
SEND - What does that mean?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Children with SEND often have a difficulty in at least one of the following four areas:
- Communication and Interaction e.g. Autism
- Cognition and Learning e.g. Dyslexia
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health e.g. Bipolar Disorder
- Sensory and/or Physical needs e.g. a Hearing Impairment