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  • Valued as Individuals,

  • Inspired and Nurtured as Learners

  • Valued as Individuals, Inspired and Nurtured as Learners

  • Crickets

    Welcome to Cricket Room

    Children aged between 2 years and 3 years old

    Our staff encourage independence and confidence so that the children have the skills and assurance to support them on their journey to school.

    • We provide a role area that changes on a regular basis to encourage children to play and act as various different characters and in various different situations.
    • We have a variety of maths and literacy tools and apparatus throughout the setting that lead to learning and discussion. These include tape measures, shapes, counting blocks, calculators, rulers, pens, pencils, scissors and several book areas were the children can relax in a calm and inviting space to enjoy a story.
    • We provide a range of programmable toys for the children to experiment with. These include remote control cars, white boards, computers and iPads.
    • Children can access creative resources independently throughout their session.
    • All children have easy access to the toys on offer in the construction area. They are able to build, balance, design and create mini masterpieces. These activities support their gross and fine motor skill, incorporate mathematics and speech and language to aid in all round development.
    • Children are able to free-flow into our extensive outside area which includes a large mud kitchen, climbing frames, scooters, bikes, role play and mud kitchen area.
